Finding right time to step down in politics for always a no-no for all politicians. As the history goes, more often than not, politicians are good at finding excuses why they are needed for the jobs.
Merdeka Centre poll revealed only 28% are satisfied with current state of affairs; 62% think cronies would benefit from projects funded by money saved from paying subsidies and less than half satisfied with BN federal government.
About 57% of the people surveyed are satisfied with opposition state government. The study also suggests that more than half of public do not believe in the allegations of sexual misconduct against Anwar Ibrahim. It added that 66% of public believe it is politically motivated to disrupt the former’s political career.
The survey found that Abdullah's popularity had plunged to below 50% for the first time in his premiership, from a record high of 91% in late 2004 after he won his first term as Prime Minister. Among other highlights of the survey was the question whether Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak would make a good prime minister, with almost half saying no.
The message is this – Pak Lah should leave office sooner rather than later. PM Badawi is treading water and until he does the Malaysian themselves have no chance to move on. He is not the man in control of thing and should not be in-charge of our destiny. His hanging on is not doing any good for
There is no guarantee of political normalcy upon removal of Pak Lah from the scene, but I am pretty sure we are getting rid at least one of the major political over-hang currently.
Bottom line – Opposition is not strong, but Barisan Nasional is too weak!
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