Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Denial and Despair in 'Ketuanan Melayu'

The cycle begins with denial, and ultimately ends up in despair. At first, we denounce that anything is wrong but we have always an instinct to sniff out who is imitating Pinocchio.

The idea of 'Ketuanan Melayu' (Malay Supremacy) is meaningless though it may be de jure, if the reality that the non-Malays are not been subscribing to it. The enforceability by force of 'Ketuanan Melayu' in its true sense of manipulation by the Malay supremacists for their own political agenda, if their rhetoric without the back up of actually uplifting their community with substance, then the perceived incremental change will be at the expense of its own people.

On the other hand, if 'Ketuanan Melayu' is enforceability by natural masses acceptance, then the Malay Supremacy issue would have no standing whatsoever. By having a frontal attack on the rights on non-Malay Malaysians will surely and slowly a two steps backward in having a united and harmonious Bangsa Malaysia.

The world has moved forward. Old politic on racial divide is no longer part of current practice, but it seems this business is thriving here. The minority elite of so-called Malay supremacists allegedly are championing Malays rights are actually betraying its own people, and the Malay masses are caught by manipulation of the minority elite in the name of 'raison d'etre' are experiencing a natural death.

As long as non-Malays are subtly under political oppression, it remains a long despair for 'Ketuanan Melayu'. Over the last 5 years under Badawi's administration, I sense that the intensity of 'Ketuanan Melayu' indeed has increased, and all this taking place as the Malays masses continue to be economically oppressed by its own minority elite.

Who benefit from all this play? Only the minority elite that carry the name of Malay supremacists are the one that is truly reaped the rewards with the scraps being thrown to the rest of the Malay community as well as at the expense of non-Malays, otherwise this is a true reflection of the practical bankruptcy of Ketuanan Melayu'.


Kamal said...

asas kemajuan adalah bergantung kepada tanggungjawab bersame antara kaum. saya percaya bukan melayu percaya kepada kepimpinanan melayu jikalau kepercayaan yang sama diberikan kepadanya

Unknown said...

apa kah itu " ketuanan Melayu" . Dapatkah retorik itu di fahami oleh peminpin pemimpin yang melaung laung kan kata kata itu.